miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

4th term (CACS)

  • CONDITIONALS (1st half of the term, before october break) 0,1, 2, 3
  • PASSIVE VOICE (2nd half of the term, after october break)


Partial 1 conditionals

Partial 2 passive voice

Final: Conditionals + passive + reader



Reader “shake hands forever” (this term reading is on mondays, we start next monday 19th)

4 reading comprehension quiz



Self evaluation (20%)

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011


1. Why Dancer in the Dark?

2. Even when Dancer in the Dark is a fiction story... do you know about a similar story in which injustice comes over innocent people? Talk about it.

3. Ok, We agree the end is really sad, would you change it? how would you change Selma, Jeff and Bill's lives to change the story?

4. Selma used to "daydream", why?, what does it mean?

5. Some of the most critical situations in the film were told by musical moments, why do you think the director did that? what was his intention?

6. What is your opinion?
what would you criticize?
how did you feel?
Was it nice or not? why?

7. Explain these lines from the end: "They say it's the last song. They don't know us, you see. It's only the last song if we let it be."

You should work on your portfolio
using the materials and the colors
you consider will express better
your feelings about the film.

Hand in date: MONDAY SEPTEMBER 19th

viernes, 29 de julio de 2011

Hello there!

Ok guys, this is going to be our class blog to keep in touch, even when we are not in the classroom!

Enjoy and have fun!