miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2018

Business English

Hello Class!

Task is this:
1. watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GorqroigqM
2. Make a Mind map about it (hand it in next class)
3. Prepare the most interesting parts for you and prepare to discuss the video in class

Software A.1.1 Speaking test sample

Hello class, next class we will have the speaking test.
We will follow this scheme:


Check and practice!

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2018

Software and engineering A.1.1

Exercises: https://agendaweb.org/grammar/demonstratives-exercises.html

There is - there are
Exercises: https://agendaweb.org/grammar/there_is_are-exercises.html

Preposisitons of place
Exercises: https://agendaweb.org/grammar/prepositions-exercises.html

With your group, you will make a five to seven minutes video presenting the university, its landmarks and your favorite places. You must use simple present, demonstratives, there is there are and prepositions of place as well as new vocabulary.

Friday september 28th - Time for your team to shoot the video, no session in classroom.

Friday october 5th - Videos presentation and quiz about: simple present, demonstratives, there is there are and prepositions of place

Friday October 12th - Partial test

domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2018

Software and engineering A.1.1

Hello Class!

ok, here it is the plan:
1. Watch this video and make some notes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnIQ2_G8rxM 

1.1 work units 5, 6 and 7 from the "essential grammar in use" and present the exercises next class september 14th

2. Write down your own routine! include week days and weekends!

3. Next class you will work with a classmate and tell him or her about your routine.

4. You will prepare a presentation for friday 21st about your classmate´s life!


viernes, 17 de agosto de 2018

Business II - 2018-II

Hello Class, remember these dates:

Job outsourcing
Working conditions
Natural resources
Tax revenue
Native culture
Business Climate

August 17th
Make a poster with a mind map about the Colombia – US FTA
Prepare an oral presentation to explain your mind map
Present a 300 word summary of the ideas presented

August 24th
Mind Map presentations - Summary hand-in
Pecha Kucha Teams and topics ready.

Software and engineering A.1.1 Fridays 2018-II

Hello Class!

These are the activities you need to prepare for next class August 24th:

1. Work on units 1 and 2 from the red book I sent to your e mails last class, evaluate yourself using the answers at the end of the book, write down any question you may have about the topic.

Take notes on this video to review the verb to be (if you need to review so):

Practice some of the following excersises + - ?:

2. Prepare your 2 minutes personal presentation using a PPT in which you include real pictures of your activities, hobbies, etc... (this is your first mark)

Follow these examples to get ideas about the information you can use:

3. Remeber to practice your spelling, we will have a short quiz on spelling after the presentations
(this is your second mark).


In this moment you are reading a book, the stands will take place next august 31|st (this is your third mark)

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2018

Business IV August 6th

Hello students.

Please, sit the following placement test and have a record of the results in your notebook.


Complete the sections of this listening exam and have a record of the results in your notebook. PLEASE, LISTEN JUST ONCE and answer.


martes, 24 de julio de 2018

viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

Intersemestral A.2.2 practice 2

Hello Class!
These are the activities to practice for the test this week:


The answers are at the end of the video, mind about it!


Answers: http://www.docentisimo.ro/pics/sss/Key%20English%20Test%20%28KET%29%20Listening%20Sample%20%201&2%20test.pdf

Present perfect


miércoles, 11 de julio de 2018

Intersemestral A.2.2

Hello class!
these are the activities for today:

Listening practice:
Perform the 5 parts and write down in your notebook how many answers correct you had in each one.

Reading practice:
Perform the first 4 parts and write down in your notebook how many answers correct you had in each one.

Modals practice:

Vocabulary practice:

Find the definition and/or meaning for these words, slangs and expressions, write them down in your notebook!

Birthday suit 
Hang loose 

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2018

English A.2.1 (business)

Here there is your final exercise:

Open a blog (you can use this: blogspot or the one you prefer), give it a name and decoration as you feel it so. Use the blog to post a experience that happened to you (use pictures and so) and you find it interesting to tell about. Invite the others in the class to comment your blog about that experience.

You have this week to create, tell the story and comment in the other ones blog.
You can continue using it to pracice with others from time to time even when the classes are over!

That will be your final task!


miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018

Software A.1.2 FINAL TASK

Hello students, as a final task for the third term, you will have to make teams of 4, maximum 5 people. You will shoot a video in which you use all the topics studied along levels 1 and 2 (A.1.1 - A.1.2) in the video you will present and talk about all the technology used at the university, for example: the softwares used, the laboratories and technology rooms, etc...
The video will have to last 6 to 8 minutes. Imagine you need to show this to a person who lives overseas and you want to introduce this specific part of the campus to that person.

Lessons left:
May 8th: We meet in the classroom, set up the groups and start working on the video planning.
15th: Time to shoot and edit the video
22 FINAL presentations and final test.

40% test about everything we have studied this semester.
60% Video.

See you next class

viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

Software: English A.1.2

1. Watch the video, take notes and perform the exercises proposed there.

2. https://agendaweb.org/verbs/present_simple-exercises.html Exercises (perform some at will)

3. Final test next class: Numbers and simple present + - and ?!

Engineering and Gastronomy: English A.1.1

1. Watch the videos and take notes in your notebook
2. Practrice the exercises, two or three of them is ok.

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o-grcR8PWc Singular and plural nouns

2. https://agendaweb.org/grammar/plural-singular-exercises.html Practice (Choose some)

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oKZaBHQkxE There is, there are

4. https://agendaweb.org/grammar/there_is_are-exercises.html Practice (Choose some)

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDEuyJwOiyA Prepositions of place

6. https://agendaweb.org/grammar/prepositions-exercises.html  Practice (Choose some)

7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eSCJcMB6uc  Adjectives

Instructions 2 (class task):
In groups of 5 people, you are going to make a 6 minutes video (average) using:
Singular and plural nouns
There is, there are
Prepositions of place

In the video you are going to show the most important places at the university and where they are.
Example: In the university, there is a cafeteria, the cafeteria is next to the parking lot and under the main entrance, the cafeteria of the university is very big!